HBR's 10 Must Reads Ultimate Boxed Set (14 Books)
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You want all of the most important management ideas in one spot. They're now available in a 14-volume paperback boxed set or as an electronic set as part of HBR's 10 Must Reads. We've sifted through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles on emotional intelligence, communication, change, leadership, strategy, people management, and self-management to find the most relevant ones to help you and your company achieve peak performance.
14 bestseller collections are included in the HBR's 10 Must Reads Ultimate Boxed Set: HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Leadership; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Emotional Intelligence; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Emotional Intelligence; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Emotional Intelligence; HBR HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Managing Yourself; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Strategy; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Change Management; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Managing People; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Change Management; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Change Management; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Change Management; HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Change Management; HBR's 10 Must- The Essentials from HBR's 10 Must Reads; Communication: HBR's 10 Must-Reads; Managing Across Cultures: HBR's 10 Must-Reads; Strategic Marketing: HBR's 10 Must-Reads; Teams: HBR's 10 Must-Reads; Innovation: HBR's 10 Must-Reads; Making Smart Decisions: HBR's 10 Must-Reads; and Collaboration: HBR's 10 Must-Reads The HBR's 10 Must Reads Ultimate Boxed Set is an excellent gift idea.
For your team, colleagues, or clients, the HBR's 10 Must Reads Ultimate Boxed Set is a clever present.
For aspiring and experienced executives alike, HBR's 10 Must Reads series is the ultimate compilation of ideas and best practises. These books provide essential reading on themes critical to every manager's success, selected from the pages of Harvard Business Review. Leading experts including as Clayton Christensen, Peter Drucker, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, John Kotter, Michael Porter, Daniel Goleman, Theodore Levitt, and Rita Gunther McGrath provide insight and inspiration in each book.