Live Garden Plant Chinese Croton Excoecaria Bicolor Variegated Small Compact/Bushy Shrub Plants Forâ Office Plant (1 Healthy Live Plant)
- One plant in a poly bag with no pots is included in the package.
- It's a rare live plant that has to be watered on a regular basis. Low Intensity, Because it requires less maintenance, it can even be grown by your children.
- It is packaged in a safe and secure manner. We Use A Specially Ventilated Recyclable Package That Guarantees Healing
Air Plant - Tillandsia Ionantha (Big) Air Plant
- One plant in a poly bag with no pots is included in the package.
- It's a rare live plant that has to be watered on a regular basis. Low Intensity, Because it requires less maintenance, it can even be grown by your children.
- It is packaged in a safe and secure manner. We Use A Specially Ventilated Recyclable Package That Guarantees Healing
Air Plant - Tillandsia Ionantha (Big) Air Plant
- One plant in a poly bag with no pots is included in the package.
- It's a rare live plant that has to be watered on a regular basis. Low Intensity, Because it requires less maintenance, it can even be grown by your children.
- It is packaged in a safe and secure manner. We Use A Specially Ventilated Recyclable Package That Guarantees Healing