1. In the mixture of 30 litre of milk and water the amount of milk is 20 litre. Find the ratio of milk to the water in the Mixture.
Milk: 20 litre
water: 10 litre
ratio: 20/10 = 1/2
So the answer is 1/2
2. A litre of kerosene oil weighs 0.819 kg and 10 litres of petrol weighs 7.02 kg, then find the ratio of the weights of kerosene oil to that of petrol per litre.
One litre kerosene oil weighs =0.819
Ten litre kerosene oil weighs = 10×0.819=8.19
The quantity of the weight in the 10 litre petrol is 7.02 kg.
Ten litre of petrol weighs = 7.02
Required ratio =8.19 819 117*7 7
7.02 = 702 = 117*6 = 6