Beginning of Farmers
During the neolithic time , people slowly learnt the technique of sowing seeds , growing plants and finally harvesting them . they must have learnt this accidently or by observing the plant growing in the field . discarded seeds might have sprouted and suggested the link between the seed and plant to the neolithic man . wheat and barley were the first cereals grown . thus , from a food gatherer man become a food producer.
Farmers were cultivating food crops in jericho , israel, about 10.000 years ago . this is the earlist evidence that we have of agriculture.
1. Onam is a famous festival of ;
ans ; kerala
2. In india , we have _________major languages;
ans ; 22
3. Who wrote the journal young india ?
ans ; Mahatma gandhi
4. The mettur dam is situated in ;
ans ; Tamil nadu
5. panchayat samiti is elected for ;
ans ; 5 years
6. All the panchas elect a president called ;
ans; Sarpanch
7. Who adopted the policy of divide and rule ?
ans ; British
8.Who become the first black president of south africa?
ans ; Nelson mandela
9. In the past , which was the most common form of government ?
ans ; Monarchy
10. Cauvery water conflict is between the states of ;
ans ; Tamil nadu and karnataka