The land of Snow and Ice lies in the Polar region in the northern hemisphere. Most of it falls within the Arctic circle. This region is also called the Tundra Region. The icy lands of the Tundra extend through the continents of North America, Europe and Asia.
We shall study about a typical icy land of the Tundra Region - Greenland.
Look at the map of Greenland. Greenland lies to the north of Canada. It is about 650 kms from the North Pole. It is the largest Island in the world. It has a mountainous land surface and is covered with snow and ice throughout the year. This thick ice covering is called ice cap. Often large pieces of ice just break away from the main mass of ice and fall into the ocean. These are called icebergs. These icebergs are in the form of huge hills of ice floating in water. Only one-tenth of iceberg is visible above the water. These icebergs are dangerous for sailing ships. The great ship Titanic sank because of its encounter with an iceberg. The first explorer of this region was a Greek called Pytheas who, it is believed , sailed to the area in 325 B.C.
Greenland remains cold throughout the year. In summer there is continuous daylight. The Sun shines even at midnight. Hence the place is called the "Land of the Midnight Sun".
Winter are extremely severe. Since the sun does not rise above the horizon in the Arctic region for many months, there is no sunlight at all. Snow falls continuously and chilly winds keep blowing. These storms are harsh and dangerous as there are no hills or trees for protection. There is a danger of frostbite in these conditions.
Few plants and trees grow here because of the frozen land and lack of sunlight. But vegetation is seen in the coastal areas. Grasses, shrubs and wild plants with colourful flowers are found here. Currants, blue berries and cran berries are grown here. Lichens and mosses growing on the rocks are used as fodder for the animals.
Surprisingly, a large number of animals are found in this region. Among the land animals found, the most common ones are musk ox, reindeer, wolf, Arctic fox, wolverine, squirrel, lemming and others. These animals have thick warm fur which enables them to adapt to the severe cold. The animals are killed for their fur. The reindeer is the most useful animal.
There are different types of birds too. The Arctic tern, a kind of small sea bird, comes here in summer and migrates to the South Pole in winter. Some birds live here throughout the year.
The sea is rich with seals, whales and sea birds like the khua and loon. The sea life provides food, clothing and other necessities of life to the people of Greenland.
Most people live in the southern part along the western coast. Almost all the people of Greenland are Eskimos. A few Europeans also live here. Being once an integral part of Denmark, the government officials were posted here to perform their administrative duties. Greenlanders live in small scattered villages. Those living along the sea coast depend on the sea for their living.
The Eskimos are short with yellowish brown complexion. They have slanting eyes and high cheek bones. They wear thick clothes made of seal skin and fur, as protection against cold. Their jackets are called Parka. The women also dress similarly but since they carry their babies with them, they wear large hoods. They also wear long leather boots. The boys help their father in hunting, while girls, with their mothers, do household work.
They live in houses called igloos. These igloos are made of slabs of ice. Some houses sare made of sod which is upper layer of soil with roots and plants. Wood and stones are also used. The floors are covered with skins and fur. But now the Eskimos live in permanent wooden houses with modern facilities and in summer they live in toupigs which are tents made of skins of reindeer or seal.
A sort of cart without wheels, called sledge, is used by Eskimos to move from one place to another. These sledges are pulled by strong dogs and reindeers. They also use boats - the larger ones are called Umiaks and smaller ones are called Kayaks. The small boats are made of wood or bones on which is stretched a seal or a walrus skin. There is a hole in the centre just enough for a man to sit in. Greenland is not thickly populated. its population in 1979 was about 50,000. In that year, it achieved political freedom from Denmark.
Hunting and fishing are the main occupations of the people. They hunt animals like the seals and the polar bears. The dogs, called huskies help them to find out the seals. Earlier the animals were killed with spears called Harpoons. These harpoons are spears with a long rope of leather attached to it. The rope helps them to hunt animals. The other way of hunting is by means of trapping. They make traps of steel for the animals and wait for a fish to come to the surface. When it does, it is killed with the harpoon. Animals are hunted for the flesh which gives food fat which provides cooking oil and skins for clothing and footwear. Eskimos depend on animals for everything they use,. Occupations such as sheep grazing, cod fishing and vegetable farming are also being followed in summer months in the south-west coastal region.
There are no large industries in Greenland but the people have started working in big oil companies and in road construction work. They have also learnt some new trades. Ship building has become an important occupation. The port town of Holsteinberg has a large shipyard for the people. Greenland is a popular place for different types of Fur. Fur and tinned fish are exported to other countries of the world.
The capital of Greenland - Godthaab has become the centre of trade. Here, the goods are brought from other countries. The biggest city of Greenland is Nuuk with a population of over 11000. There are other cities too. The people speak greenland language.
Modernisation has also given rise to schools, markets, libraries, hospitals and clubs, postal and radio services. Now children are sent to schools where they are educated in various subjects connected with their natural surroundings as well as in science and technology.
Apart from sledges, modern modes of travelling have come into vogue. The construction of roads has led to frequent use of motor vehicles. Greenland has become more accessible to the rest of the world due to aeroplanes and helicopters. Even Kayaks are being replaced by motor-boats and guns and rifles are replacing harpoons.
by reading this chapter you will be able to get answers of below questions:
1. How are the Eskimos dependent on the animals for everything they use?
2. Why is Greenland called the 'Land of the Midnight Sun'?
3. What are icebergs? Why are they dangerous?
4. Describe the wild life in Greenland?
5. What are the main occupations of the people of Greenland?
6. Describe the process of modernisation in Greenland.